Homeschooling on the Rise in the US: A Mainstream Trend

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By georgeskef

– The number of homeschooled children in the US has increased by 51% compared to 2017-2018.
– Public school enrollment has dropped by 4%.
– Homeschooling rates have gone mainstream nationwide.
– There are between 1.9 million and 2.7 million American kids being homeschooled.
– Homeschooling is popular in academically high-performing districts.
– Parents choose homeschooling for various reasons, including schools failing to meet their kids’ needs, bullying, and concerns about curriculum alignment.
Economic factors, such as government programs and nonprofit support, also contribute to the growth of homeschooling.
– The homeschooling trend has led to the emergence of an industry catering to parents’ needs.
– Companies like OutSchool and Prenda have raised millions of dollars in funding to support homeschooling initiatives.
– Education experts express skepticism about whether parents can match the teaching skills of trained teachers and express concerns about the lack of quality requirements in homeschooling.

Homeschooling on the Rise in the US: A Mainstream Trend

The number of children being homeschooled in the United States has reached an all-time high, with a 51% increase compared to the 2017-2018 academic year. This surge in homeschooling coincides with a 4% drop in public school enrollment. What was once considered a niche education option primarily favored by religious parents has now become a mainstream trend across the nation.

According to an analysis by the Washington Post, the total number of American kids receiving homeschooling education is estimated to be between 1.9 million and 2.7 million, surpassing the student body of Catholic schools in the US. Interestingly, homeschooling is not only popular in struggling school districts but also in academically high-performing areas.

Parents choose homeschooling for various reasons, including dissatisfaction with traditional schools’ ability to meet their children’s unique needs, concerns about bullying, and a desire for curricula that align with their values. Economic factors also play a role, as government programs in several states provide financial support to homeschooling parents, and nonprofits offer funds as well.

The growth of homeschooling has given rise to an entire industry catering to parents who seek alternatives to traditional schooling. Platforms like OutSchool have raised $255 million in venture capital funding since 2015, offering parents the opportunity to design customized curricula from crowdsourced classes. Companies like Prenda provide support for setting up microschools, where a small number of students learn under the supervision of a qualified individual.

While there are advantages to homeschooling, such as flexibility and personalized education, experts raise concerns about whether parents can match the teaching skills of trained educators. They also highlight the lack of quality requirements in homeschooling, which may impact children’s educational experience. Furthermore, there are concerns that homeschooled children might miss out on important social interactions that occur in traditional school settings.

In conclusion, homeschooling has experienced significant growth in the US, becoming a mainstream trend that appeals to parents for various reasons. While there are valid concerns about the quality of homeschooling and its potential impact on social development, it is clear that parents are increasingly seeking alternative educational options for their children.

Hot Take:
The rise in homeschooling reflects a growing dissatisfaction with traditional schooling systems and is fueled by parents’ desire for greater control over their children’s education. While there are valid concerns about the quality of homeschooling and possible social drawbacks, it is important to recognize that each child is unique and may thrive in different educational settings. As the homeschooling industry continues to evolve, it will be crucial to strike a balance between ensuring educational standards and respecting the choices parents make for their children’s education.