The Race for Profits vs. Human Risks: AI’s New Gold Rush

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By George iskef

The Race for Profits vs. Human Risks: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping Our Future

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has become a powerful force shaping our future, with the potential to elevate humanity to previously unimagined heights and also pose great risks to our existence. The race for profits and advancements in A.I. technology has led to uncertainties and concerns about the impact on human well-being and society at large.

The Uncertainties of Artificial Intelligence

As A.I. continues to evolve, there are growing uncertainties about its potential consequences. Experts and professionals alike are divided on whether A.I. will bring unprecedented benefits or lead to the destruction of civilization. However, it is clear that humanity has made a collective decision to embrace A.I. technology, with all its associated risks and rewards.

The psychological implications of A.I. in the workplace are a major concern for professionals. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association revealed that many workers fear that A.I. monitoring technologies could make their jobs obsolete or cause increased stress due to constant surveillance at work. These fears lead to negative psychological effects, such as feeling less valued, emotional exhaustion, and burnout.

The High Cost of A.I. Talent

While workers express concerns about the impact of A.I., the demand for A.I. talent continues to soar. Graduates with PhDs and specializations in A.I. tools, such as Large Language Models, are commanding high salaries, with top school graduates earning upwards of $800,000 per year. Experienced professionals from big A.I. labs can even fetch salaries in the millions. This high demand for A.I. talent indicates that both companies and individuals are heavily investing in the development and application of A.I. technologies.

The Confusion and Panic Surrounding A.I.

The rapid growth of A.I. technology has left many companies confused and in a state of panic. Traditional companies are struggling to keep pace with advancements in A.I. and worry about losing their competitive advantage. The newfound popularity of chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT caught many companies off guard, and now they are playing catch-up to stay relevant in the A.I. landscape.

However, despite the frenzy surrounding A.I., the path to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) remains elusive. Even Sam Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI, who aims to create AGI, acknowledges that there is still a long way to go. While there is a desire to achieve “magic intelligence in the sky,” the road to AGI is filled with uncertainties and unknowns.

The Sweeping Economic Impact of A.I.

Despite the uncertainties, the economic impact of A.I. breakthroughs is expected to be transformative. Goldman Sachs predicts that advancements in A.I. could potentially increase global gross domestic product by around 7 percent, equivalent to $7 trillion. This growth can be attributed to the increased availability and use of A.I. tools by companies, workers, and society at large. Furthermore, productivity growth could be lifted by 1.5 percentage points over a 10-year period due to the integration of A.I. technologies.

However, along with the potential economic benefits, there are also concerns about the dangers of A.I. tools in the wrong hands. Scammers are already exploiting A.I. to create voice clones and deepfakes, leading to devastating effects, particularly among vulnerable populations such as the elderly. The ability of A.I. to deceive humans poses a significant risk that needs to be addressed.


The race for profits and advancements in A.I. is reshaping our future in both positive and negative ways. While uncertainties and concerns exist, the demand for A.I. talent and its potential economic impact are driving investments and innovation in this field. It is crucial for society to navigate the A.I. landscape with caution, being aware of the risks and implications that come with its powerful capabilities. As we continue to push the boundaries of A.I., balancing the pursuit of profits with the protection of human well-being and ethical considerations will be paramount.