Yandex Wants to Sell All of its Russian Assets

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By George iskef

The Rise and Fall of Yandex: From Russia’s Largest Tech Company to Selling All Russian Assets

Yandex, once known as Russia’s largest tech company, is now planning to sell all of its Russian assets. This news was reported by Reuters and Bloomberg on Monday. The company, currently based in the Netherlands, had previously considered restructuring after its founder criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Rise:

Yandex was considered the Russian equivalent of Google, although it never reached the same level of economic dominance as the search giant. In October 2021, Yandex had a market capitalization of $29.7 billion, making it a significant player in the Russian tech industry. The company offered a range of services, including a ride-hailing service, news aggregation, and a search engine that was more popular than Google among Russians.

The Fall:

In February 2022, Yandex faced significant challenges when senior executives were sanctioned by the European Union due to the dissemination of Russian government propaganda on its platforms following the invasion of Ukraine. As a result of the sanctions, Yandex was delisted from the Nasdaq stock exchange. This event had a profound impact on the company, leading to a significant decline in its workforce.

Tech Exodus:

According to reports from MIT Technology Review, around one-third of Yandex’s employees left the company within the first two months of the war in Ukraine. Despite selling off its media products to state-run VKontakte, Yandex was unable to shield itself from the geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West. This mass exodus of talent from Yandex was not an isolated incident, as approximately 10% of Russia’s entire IT workforce left the country in 2022, according to the Kremlin’s own statistics.

Yandex’s Restructuring Journey:

In November 2022, Yandex announced that it would be splitting its Dutch business from its core Russian business. This move aimed to have the Dutch business managed with the assistance of a prominent ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, this bifurcation process did not go smoothly, and Yandex’s founder, Arkady Volozh, stated his opposition to the war in Ukraine. It is worth noting that Yandex is not the only Russian tech company experiencing talent drain. The Russian tech industry as a whole has been struggling to retain skilled professionals.

The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine:

The invasion of Ukraine and subsequent geopolitical tensions have had a significant impact on Yandex and the Russian tech industry as a whole. Yandex’s delisting from the Nasdaq stock exchange following EU sanctions was a major setback for the company. The loss of talent due to the war and the subsequent exodus of IT professionals have created a challenging environment for Russian tech companies. It is essential to recognize that Yandex’s struggles are not unique, as other Russian tech companies have also faced similar challenges.

The Shadow Fleet:

As Russia’s tech industry faces difficulties, one industry that has surprisingly remained resilient is the country’s oil sector. Despite the $60-per-barrel punitive price cap imposed on Russian oil, Western officials informed the Financial Times that this measure has lost its effectiveness. There are reports suggesting that Russia is using a “shadow fleet” of poorly regulated and dilapidated vessels to transport and sell oil without adhering to the price cap. This strategy allows Russia to continue exporting oil without being hindered by the imposed limitations.

The Future of Russia’s Tech Industry:

Yandex’s decision to sell all of its Russian assets raises questions about the future of Russia’s tech industry. The company’s struggles, coupled with the challenges faced by other Russian tech firms, highlight the need for reforms and improvements. The loss of talent and the negative perception of Russian tech companies may hinder future growth and innovation. However, there are also opportunities for new players to emerge and fill the void left by Yandex.

In conclusion, Yandex’s journey from being Russia’s largest tech company to selling all of its Russian assets reflects the challenges faced by the Russian tech industry in the aftermath of the country’s invasion of Ukraine. The loss of talent, delisting from stock exchanges, and the negative impact of geopolitical tensions have all contributed to the decline of Yandex and other Russian tech firms. The future of Russia’s tech industry remains uncertain, but there are opportunities for growth and change. It will require reforms and a concerted effort to regain the trust and confidence of both domestic and international stakeholders.